Caddies Creek Public School

We Care, Challenge, Persist and Succeed

Telephone02 8814 5916


Transition Processes

Students go through various stages of schooling throughout their development. This includes transition to primary school when students enter Kindergarten, transition to high school as students move from Year 6 to 7 and transition from grade to grade and teacher to teacher at the end of each year. We also have students who transition to Caddies Creek PS part way through their schooling either in the mainstream or in our Support Unit. Here at Caddies Creek we have numerous processes in place to support students transition to each new phase of their learning. Transition processes has positive impacts on student’s sense of belonging, connection and confidence with new settings and builds relationships between the school and the family.


Transition to Primary School

Research tells us that a successful transition to school helps improve children’s educational and social outcomes. A good transition will help prepare children to make new friends, learn routines, and develop a sense of belonging within the new school environment. It will also help their school to recognise and support children’s developmental needs, interests and skills. More information about transition to school can be found at: Transition to school: Information for parents and carers (


Our transition to school processes at Caddies Creek PS include:

· 3 orientation sessions for students where children visit our school for the morning session and work in a classroom environment engaging in structured and unstructured activities.

· 2 parent sessions where families hear key information about schooling at Caddies including our systems and processes and teaching and learning programs.

· 1 parent meeting with school staff to allow us to find out more information about learning needs, English as an Additional Language / Dialect context and other key insights into the children that are coming to Caddies.

· A school pack that shares information in a written form and provides students with some readiness for Kindy activities.

Transition to High School

Going to high school will be a new experience for your child. The school is likely to be much bigger than their primary school and your child may feel a little insecure at first. Instead of being a senior in a small school, they are now a beginner in a big school. However, it is also an exciting time with many opportunities and a broader curriculum. More information about transition to high school can be found at: Starting high school (


Our transition to high school processes at Caddies Creek PS include:

· Students visiting the high school for orientation sessions and gaining an understanding of how a high school operates

· High school students visiting Caddies to build connections

· Meetings between high school and primary school teachers to  discuss student needs and cohort contexts

· Additional transitions options for specific students

· Assessment opportunities to support the high school's knowledge of students

· These processes complement events run separately by the high schools such as information evenings and tours.


Transitions when moving schools

It’s quite common for children to move schools throughout their schooling years. If your child is moving schools, the best thing you can do is prepare your child for the change. You can do this by involving your child as much as you can in the process of choosing and moving schools. This will help your child see the exciting and positive aspects of the move. Your child will be happier if they know that their needs are important. More information can be found at: Moving schools: how to make it easier | Raising Children Network

Our transition to school processes at Caddies Creek PS when students move school include:

· Intake interview with families and students where possible to learn as much we can about the students learning to date and contextual information to support with class and teacher placement

· School tours on student’s first day for families and the student

Transitions to the Support Unit

When students join our Support Unit either from within the school, from other schools or at Kindergarten entry we support their successful transition through:

· Tours of the Support Unit

· Parent Information sessions

· Parent interviews

Transition for movement to the next grade

To support student's progression to the next grade we:

· Conduct handover meetings between the current and future teacher

· Share important information regarding academic progress, learning styles and social and emotional qualities

· Class visits and social stories for specific students that would benefit from additional transition process.