Caddies Creek Public School

We Care, Challenge, Persist and Succeed

Telephone02 8814 5916

Parent Handbook Information




The Department of Education & Training requires a written explanation for all whole day and partial absences. If your child is away for any period of time please send a signed, dated note to school with your child on their first day back.

If the absence is likely to be three days or more a telephone call to the office would be appreciated, as well as a written note on their return.

Access to Staff
The school encourages regular contact between parents and teachers. Of course, there are times during the day when teachers are unable to talk with parents because they are teaching or have other school commitments. Therefore, it is advisable to phone the school and arrange a convenient time if an extended interview is required. The school has an "open door" policy and vigorously encourages parent participation and involvement in all aspects of school life. Teacher/parent interviews are held during Term 1 and if required, in Term 3. However, a parent or teacher may seek a meeting at any time.

Administrative Staff
A very caring and knowledgeable group of School Assistants and Teacher's Aides work with the staff, students and community, providing support, resources, information and first aid.

Assemblies are held every week on a Friday. They serve to give each student a sense of belonging to a greater community and ‘talking and listening' skills are also developed through each student's participation. In addition to this, students are given recognition for their achievement by way of Merit awards.

  • The K-2 assembly commences at 10.20am 
  • The Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) assemby commences at 11.20am
  • The Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6) assembly commences at 2.00pm

Formal assemblies are held on even weeks and informal on odd weeks. Parents are most welcome

Assessment is an ongoing process throughout the year for each student and does not necessarily take the form of whole grade testing at the end of each semester. Your child's teacher is committed to keeping you informed of your child's progress. If you have any concerns or inquiries, please contact them.

Attendance Policy

Extended Leave: The school will not support applications of extended leave during school term of holidays. The school will support applications for extended leave for exceptional and urgent family circumstances such as, but not limited to, wedding, funerals and religious festivals. The school requests that families do not plan holidays locally and internationally during school term. Leave accumulated for family holidays during term will be recorded as leave 'unjustified'. Please plan your holiday travel for the designated holiday periods only.

Arrival Time: The official school times for our school are 9:00am to 3:00pm. The playground is open 30 minutes before classes commence and teachers are rostered on duty in the playground from 8.30am. Children should not be arriving at school before this time. Parents are reminded CCPS OOSH does provide child care before school. If your child is arriving at school before 8:30am please make arrangements for their care with OOSH. The contact for CCPS Camp Australia OOSH is 1300 105 343.

Attendance Procedures at CCPS: Whole and part day absences are recorded and registered each day by Caddies Creek PS staff following DoE policy and guidelines. Students who have attendance rates below 85% will be identified as a concern and are required to be followed up by school and or regional staff. 85% attendance rate equates to approximately 8 days absent each term or three school weeks each semester.

Late arrivals: At CCPS, the school day commences at 9:00am and finishes at 3:00pm. Students who arrive at school after 9:05am are required to present to the office and get a ‘late slip’ before proceeding to class. These students will be recorded as a ‘partial absence’ for that day. School does not commence at 9:05. School commences at 9:00am. 

Early leavers: When a student is collected early, prior to 3:00pm, parents are asked to report to the office in the first instance. The office will call the classroom and arrange for your child to be walked to the office. This process ensures the school can account for all students at all times – which is critical in the event of an emergency. Late arrivals and early leavers will be recorded as a ‘partial absence’ (P) as per DoE guidelines.

Administration of student absences: When a child is away from school their absence is declared on the attendance register. Parents and carers are asked to notify the school (preferably in Sentral) within 7 calendar days of the absence occuring with the reason. Notification must be provided within 7 days of the student's return to school. 

Unexplained absences: If the school does not receive notification within 7 days of an absence occurring, the absence is required under NSW DoE Policy to be registered as absence unexplained (A) and cannot be changed.

Absence unjustified will also be recorded (A) on the attendance register when the reason for absence is deemed unsatisfactory. An example of an unsatisfactory explanation might be ‘My child was absent because we went shopping’ or ‘My child was absent because he was away.’ Your co - operation in providing written explanations for all absences on your child's first day back at school is appreciated. As stated, families who apply for holiday travel extended leave during school term will not be approved and will be recorded as 'unjustified'.

Sick: Students who are unwell are recorded as sick (S). Our school may ask parents to supply a medical certificate after three consecutive sick days. A medical certificate is not required for absences of one or two days but may be requested by the school for absences of three days or more. Parents may choose to supply a medical certificate for sick leave for any number of school days.

Leave: When there is absence and the child is not sick, schools can grant leave (L) for special or significant events such as religious occasions, funerals, festivals or special family events. Schools are limited as to how many leave (L) days can be granted annually.

Extended Leave: Families who look to take extended holidays are advised that a special ‘application for extended leave’ form is now available from the office. This must be done in advance of the extended leave and cannot be completed post absence.

Awards of Merit
Each week two children from each class are presented with merit certificates for achievement or effort. An Assistant Principal presents these each Friday.

Before and After School Care
Please see OOSH

Only children from Year 3 upwards are permitted to ride bicycles to school. Students riding their bikes to school must wear an approved helmet and obey the road rules. Students are not permitted to ride their bikes in the school grounds and must leave their bikes in the designated area. Children observed riding in a dangerous manner will not be permitted to ride to school. Parents are urged to ensure that their child has proper bike control and knowledge of road rules.

Book Club
A Book Club operates once a term. Pamphlets listing a variety of books that may be ordered are sent home with the children. The books on offer are chosen for their interest level and appeal to various age groups. The order form with payment is returned to school before a nominated date. Approximately three weeks later the orders are delivered to the classroom. While there is no obligation to buy, the school does receive bonus books from purchases.

Bus Passes
The necessary application forms are available from the office. These need to be carefully completed and returned to the office – they are then sent to the bus company for verification and processing.

All students in Kindergarten to Year 2 are eligible for a bus pass if necessary. Students in Years 3 – 6 are eligible if they live outside a predetermined perimeter set by the Department of Education & Training.

Our privately operated "healthy" canteen is open 5 days a week. Students give lunch orders directly to the canteen before the 9am bell rings. Please ensure the lunch order is written on a paper bag including the child's name, class and correct money. Students may also make purchases directly from the canteen at recess and lunch.

Conduct Code
Our student conduct code has two parts. The Appropriate Behaviour section, which emphasises and recognises all children who behave well and the Inappropriate Behaviour section, which has procedures for students whose behaviour is inappropriate.

Appropriate Behaviour

Students who behave appropriately receive a range of awards. Any teacher may give a ‘Caddies Credit' to any child for any reason if the child is behaving in a responsible manner. Caddies Credits can be given in the playground, classroom, assemblies, at camps and excursions, etc.

Any child who receives 5Caddies Credits' takes the awards to their class teacher who exchanges them for an ‘Achievement Award.' When a child obtains 3 ‘Achievement Awards,' they then receive an ‘Excellence Award.' Upon receiving 3 ‘Excellence Awards,' a child is presented with a ‘Principal's Distinction'.

Principal's Distinctions are presented by the Principal at a formal assembly.

Conduct Code Awards Plan

Inappropriate Behaviour

A student whose behaviour is inappropriate is given an ‘Orange Slip' placed on a half lunch detention and is on a two-week probationary period. If the child receives another Orange Slip in this two-week period they are placed on a ‘Red Slip' and receive a two-day lunchtime detention. Parents are informed if children receive an Orange or Red slip, usually via a standard note, which is to be signed and returned. Parents may be requested to attend an interview.

All students begin a new year on Green.


At the end of each term all children who have not been given an orange or red slip receive a ‘Silver Award."

All children who have not been given an orange or red slip throughout the year receive a ‘Gold Award,' at the end of the year.

Children have the opportunity to join one of the school choirs. Some of our choirs perform either at the Opera House or Town Hall. They also perform at school functions.

Contact Numbers - School

The school address and telephone numbers are detailed below:

Address: Cnr Currawong St & Glenwood Park Drive, Glenwood 2768
Phone numbers: 8814 5916
Fax number: 8814 5918
Email Address:

Contact Numbers - Students
It is vitally important that we have correct and current telephone numbers for parents, and especially in an emergency, the number of someone willing to collect your child when they are sick. It is essential that these numbers are kept up to date.

It is very distressing for a sick or injured student if no one can be contacted.

A general school contribution is set each year, in consultation with the P&C. These funds help meet some of the costs of resources and materials used by your children. At present contributions are $40 per child or $80 per family. Whilst these fees are minimal, they are certainly beneficial to the school. These payments can be made in full or by instalments to suit family needs.

The school should be advised in writing of any special or unusual custody arrangements concerning your child.

Digital Devices and Online Services Policy

This procedure guides student use of digital devices at our school and is in line with DoE Policy. The full policy document can be found here: Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services - Policy and Procedure

Extension and Enrichment Programs
The school provides extension and enrichment programs for gifted and talented students across a wide range of areas. Students are selected for inclusion in these classes according to a set criteria developed by the Department of Education and Training and the school. In addition to these programs, the class teachers offer a range of challenging extension activities to academically gifted students in their classrooms.

Teacher time is allocated to our school to assist students who have English as an Alternate Language or Dialect (EAL/D). This provides children with additional support with their learning of English.

The school has developed a plan to be followed should there need to be an evacuation or lockdown for any reason. A regular "drill" is conducted. There are two evacuation assembly areas, one located at the rear of the school on the oval and the other at the front grasses area of the school.

Excursions and Incursions
Class groups are regularly taken on excursions outside the school to consolidate their class studies. Children are expected to wear full school uniform on such occasions. In addition, musicians, performers and specialist speakers regularly visit the school to further enhance the school's educational programs. Costs for these incursions are met by parents. However, should a family be experiencing financial difficulties, other arrangements can be made.

School fundraising initiatives are coordinated in conjunction with the staff, by the school's Parents & Citizens Association (P&C). In recent years the P&C have organised discos, Run4Fun Colour Explosions, Trivia and Bingo Nights, raffles, a Twilight Market and many other activities. The P&C is also a great supporter of school organised fund raising. The funds raised through these different activities help to provide additional resources, school programs and equipment which might not otherwise be available due to funding constraints. Parents are encouraged to support the fundraising activities that are organised for your children's benefit.

Homework is given as a revision tool. Your child's teacher will inform you of his/her homework expectations. Homework is compulsory. However in circumstances where the homework cannot be completed, please send a note to your child's teacher. Please encourage your child to complete all set homework.

Home Reading
A Home Reading program operates in Year K - 2. This allows children to practise their reading at the appropriate level. As parents, you are also encouraged to regularly read to your child and also have them read to you.

A "NO HAT, PLAY IN THE SHADE" policy exists throughout the year. Students without hats must play under the shade shelters. Children are to wear school hats, which are available from the uniform shop.

We all have days when we feel unwell and would be better off in bed. Please don't send your child to school if they are unwell. The student gains nothing from the day if they are sick, and they also risk passing the illness on to their classmates and teachers.

In the case of notifiable diseases such as Measles, Chicken Pox, Whooping Cough etc., could you please let the office and class teacher know immediately so that the school can ensure the exclusion of any unvaccinated students whilst the risk of infection exists.

Parents enrolling Kindergarten students need to present the school with an Immunisation Certificate. Under the Public Health (Amendment) Act 1992 children without a certificate might be sent home during an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease. No child will be prevented from enrolling.

If you have any questions about programs, or any other aspect of your child's school routine, please contact the school through Contact Caddies – a one-stop shop for families to communicate with the school. Depending on your answers, this form will direct your query to the appropriate staff member.

Once you’ve completed the form, a copy of your query will be emailed to the staff member responsible. Our friendly and helpful staff will make every effort to get in touch with you.

If your request is urgent, please phone the school at 8814 5916.

Should you wish to discuss your child's progress with their teacher, please submit your query through Contact Caddies to arrange an appointment. Teachers are happy to speak with you but may not always be available without prior notice.

Students from the Support Unit are involved in as many aspects of our school as is possible.

Key Learning Areas (KLA's)
Student learning is organised into six key learning areas:



·Science & Technology ( S&T)

·Human Society and It's Environment ( H.S.I.E. )

·Creative & Practical Arts ( C.A.P.A.)

·Personal Development, Health and Physical Education ( PDHPE)

Teachers provide students with many educational opportunities which help them to learn in more than one KLA at the same time.

Late Arrivals / Early Leavers
Department of Education & Training policy requires that all students should be at school ready to start lessons at 9.00am sharp. If your child is not going to arrive at school by 9.00am they must report to the office for a "Late Note" before going to class. Parents or Carers should bring the child to the office. For your child's safety do not leave them at the gate when they are late.

If your child needs to leave school, for any reason, during the day a parent needs to go to the office for a leave pass to be issued. Children cannot be collected directly from the classroom.

Learning Support Team
The Learning Support Team meets regularly to review the social, academic and welfare needs of identified students.

Students who require assistance with their learning are assisted in class by the Learning Support Teacher.

Learn to Swim
Classes are organised each year and involve trained staff as well as students from Years 2.

The Library is open for classes every day. It is also before & after school for borrowing. The library is well stocked with books, reference materials and the latest computer technology.

On Friday Evenings the library will be open from 3:15pm-5:45pm.

Your child will require a Library bag for class borrowing. These are available for purchase from the office for $7.00 each.

An enormous amount of clothing and equipment is often lost by students. This is kept at the library, awaiting collection.

Lost Property
To minimise lost property, please ensure that all belongings are clearly and permanently marked with the student's name.


We are not permitted to provide analgesics or any other kind of medication. If your child needs medication at school, parents must see the office staff and fill out a Student Health Condition Support Form. Medication must have the name of the child, dosage required and time of medication clearly stated. Where possible, the medication must be provided to the school in its original pharmacy packaging or in a blister pack from your chemist. If your child is an asthmatic or anaphylactic the school supplies personal medical bags for the medic

When you need to send money to school as payment for excursions, sport, voluntary contributions etc., please ensure that the correct amount of money, and the permission note if applicable, is sealed inside the CCPS provided envelope with your child's name, class and activity written on the front. The envelopes are placed in the K-2 or Yr 3-6 boxes outside the school office.

These standardised tests are carried out in all Australian schools and target students in Years 3 and 5. The tests are held in May each year. Results are sent to parents in September


The Caddies Creek Chronicle, our school newsletter, is published fortnightly on Fridays. Stay up-to-date with all the latest news, events, and important information by accessing the newsletter through the Sentral portal or on our school website.

Office Hours
The school office is open from 8.30am until 3.30pm each day. There is a telephone answering service where messages may be left outside of these hours.

An Out of School Hours facility runs within the school grounds. Care is provided from 7.00am to 8.30am and from 3.00pm to 6.30pm each day. Please phone CCPS Camp Australia OOSH on 1300 105 343, if this service is required.

Out of Area Placement
There are strictly defined boundaries from which we draw our student body. Parents living outside these boundaries may apply to the Principal, stating valid reasons for inclusion to the school but enrolment would only be possible in exceptional circumstances. A form is available from the school office.

P&C Association
The P & C ( Parents & Citizens) Association meets on the last Wednesday of each month in the staffroom at 7.30pm. Come along and meet parents and staff. We would love to see you. The Annual General Meeting is held in November and this dedicated group of parents raises considerable funds to assist all students.

Please observe all parking restrictions and obey traffic rules when dropping off and picking up your child.
The school car park is restricted to members of staff. For safety and equity reasons, parents are not permitted to use the parking area for dropping off and picking up children.

There is a "No Parking" zone located in Currawong Street. Please be aware that this area is for drop off or pick up only with strictly no parking. Council parking officers regularly patrol the roads surrounding the school.

Parents are reminded that parking on driveways, parking in the bus bay and U-turns across the double lines in front of the school, are illegal.

Peer Support
Peer Support is a fun program aimed at fostering relationships between students and developing leadership qualities in our senior students. The children are placed into small groups that have representatives from all grades K – 5. The senior students lead the groups in discussions and activities to promote positive relationships between all students.

Interschool Sport
Students in Years 3 to 6 have the opportunity to try out for interschool sport teams which compete each Friday against other schools in the local area.

Reports to Parents
Reporting on student progress is an important aspect of learning. Syllabus outcomes provide clear statements of the knowledge, skills and understandings expected to be gained by most students at the completion of each stage.

The stages in K – 6 syllabuses are as follows:

Early Stage 1: Students in Kindergarten are in this stage.

Stage 1: Students in Years 1 and 2 are in this stage.

Stage 2: Students in Years 3 and 4 are in this stage.

Stage 3: Students in Years 5 and 6 are in this stage.

The reports at Caddies Creek School follow mandatory reporting guidelines.

At present the reporting to parents procedures are:

Term 1 Meet the Teacher & Parent Interviews

Term 2 Written Report – Semester One

Term 3 Parent Interviews, when needed

Term 4 Written Report – Semester Two

Parents may have interviews with their child's teacher at anytime, however, please telephone to arrange a mutually convenient time.

School Rules
Our school rules, that are used in the classroom and the playground, are:

·Be Friendly

·Do my Best

·Follow Instructions

·Stay in the Right Place

·Put my Hand Up and Wait my Turn

Weekly Scripture (Religious Instruction) lessons are provided by local church members. The number and denominations of students involved depends upon the availability of teachers each year. It is currently held on Wednesdays. Parents not wishing their child to attend scripture, should advise the class teacher in writing.

School Counsellor
The School Counsellor works closely with teachers and parents to provide the best programs for all students at Caddies Creek. Any students requiring counsellor assistance are generally referred by their class teacher to the Learning Support Team.



Sporting House
There are four sporting houses - These house groups are based on surnames

Courage A – F Blue

ConfidenceG – L Green

PrideM – P Red

SpiritQ – Z Yellow

Each house has a girl and boy captain and vice captain. These children are elected by their peers. To encourage participation at swimming, cross country and athletics carnivals, children are awarded house points for participating in an event, irrespective of the results.

Student Assistance Fund
The school is able to assist with the payment of excursions, performances and camps for needy students. Should you require assistance please contact the Office. All enquiries are, of course, confidential.

Students are elected from each class to form the Student Representative Council ( SRC). The SRC meets regularly to discuss issues and suggestions regarding our school.

Student Well Being Policy
Following consultation with the staff and community, a comprehensive well being policy has been developed. This includes the Student Conduct Code, Child Protection, Drug Education, Peer Support and Merit Awards.

Sun Safety
Our school has a Sun Safety program and strategies to ensure students are aware of and protected from the damaging effects of the sun. For example, our sport is played in the morning whenever possible.

Students wear hats in the playground and use shady areas during the day. We have a ‘no hat, play in the shade' policy for recess and lunchtime. It is recommended students wear sunscreen and clothing that provides maximum protection. The P&C provides sunscreen in all classrooms.

Transferring Students
Students wishing to transfer from another Government school will need to provide a Transfer Certificate from their previous school upon enrolment. Students transferring from a non-Government or interstate/overseas school will be asked to provide Birth Certificate or Passport and proof of immunisation.

Technology is having a profound impact on the world in which we live. The ability to access, analyse and evaluate information will be increasingly vital for full participation as an active citizen of the future.

The use of computers and related technologies is an area of growing importance in our school. We are planning programs and strategies to ensure that using technology becomes an essential part of learning.

The school has two computer labs, one with twenty five computers and data projector linked via a network to a fileserver and they other with 32 computers connected to the network. We also have sixteen computers in the library. Children have access to a vast array of up to date software. As well as this, every classroom has multiple computers available to assist with their learning. We also have  Interactive Whiteboards ( IWB's) in all learning spaces which are a tremendous teaching and learning tool.  The school also has a significant number of netbooks, surface tablets (160) and iPads (200) which are used to assist teaching and learning in the classrooms and library.

School Uniform
The school community has decided that emphasis is to be placed on the wearing of full school uniform by all students, at all times as a means of building school pride and a sense of belonging for students.



Ink navy drill shorts

Navy fleck polo shirt with school logo

Short white socks

Black shoes


Navy CCPS tracksuit pants OR  Navy CCPS  gabardine pants  

Navy fleck polo shirt with school logo

Navy CCPS zip jacket

Short white socks & black shoes


Maroon CCPS Sports Shirt

Maroon CCPS shorts OR navy CCPS tracksuit pants

Short white socks & sports shoes



Tunic OR

Ink navy dress shorts

Navy fleck polo shirt with school logo

White socks

Black shoes


CCPS Winter Tunic with white Peter Pan collar blouse

Navy stockings


Navy CCPS "bootleg" pants

Navy fleck polo shirt with school logo

Navy CCPS zip jacket


Short white socks  & black shoes


Maroon CCPS Sports Shirt

Maroon CCPS Skort or shorts  OR  Navy CCPS tracksuit or bootleg pants

Short white socks & sports shoes


Please Note: A Maroon hat with school logo is required at all times

The school uniform is only available through the school office. Parents are asked to complete a uniform order and leave it at the office. Payment is made at the time of ordering and uniforms are sent home with the children.

The purpose of this general information is to give visitors and newcomers to the Caddies Creek community a brief insight into the workings of, and the facilities offered by Caddies Creek Public School.

However, the information given here is by no means exhaustive. For more detailed information about any aspect of the school's operation we invite you to make inquiries.

School Motto

Care Challenge Persist Succeed


At Caddies Creek Public School we value:-

  • A Quality Learning Environment – Children respond to relevant and challenging programs that encourage an intrinsic love of learning in a stimulating, safe and happy environment.
  • High Expectations - Students respond to high expectations in learning and conduct.
  • Self Worth- We encourage the development of positive self-esteem, leading to self-confidence, effective learning and enthusiastic participation within the school community.
  • Diversity– We recognise that we are all different, valuing the individuality of each member of our school community, his or her needs, cultural background, ability and circumstance.
  • Collaboration– Together we develop common goals and directions. Working relationships are based on trust, respect and open communication. The contribution of all members of the school community is encouraged and valued as we work in partnership.
  • Core Values. The whole school community actively encourages the development of the core values of integrity, excellence, respect, responsibility, cooperation, participation, care, fairness and democracy.


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